Monday, May 21, 2007

The GMO Debate

By Adam

The idea of genetically modifying food is an intriguing one. Imagine the ability to grow a better quality food in a shorter amount of time. By inserting a new gene into a plant it may be altered to take on the characteristics mentioned above. By taking genes from an existing natural plant and inserting them into another existing plant you are able to make a new hybrid.

However, this raises moral questions similar to those associated with the issue of stem cell research. In stem cell research, the overall goal is to help people and make things better. But there are those who swear that things happen for a reason and nature should not be tampered with. As such, certain plants attract certain "pests" but that is the natural way of life. Those plants are supposed to attract those pests. And here in lies the problem; is genetically modifying food ethical?

Many argue that modifying food is not natural. Or that this will make the United States an even more dominant force in the world agricultural business. However, those in favor contend that they are helping the world by providing better food and more of it to those who need it so badly. The bottom line is that both sides are trying to better the world.

Who is right? It is this author's opinion that this is a riddle that
simply does not have an answer.

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